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2023 Annual Report

2023 Donors, Sponsors & Philanthropic Members

The impact and very existence of this beloved urban oasis are thanks to the support of a community that cares. 

A very special thank you to the following donors, corporate sponsors, and philanthropic members who supported the Friends of Birmingham Botanical Gardens with cumulative gifts of $1,000 and above between January and December 2023.

We extend our sincere gratitude to all who support our mission through donations, memberships, event sponsorships, honorary and memorial tributes, planned giving, and gifts to specific programs throughout the year.

Thank you for helping us grow a greener tomorrow.

To explore milestones that your commitment made possible in 2023, read full report here.


Accents of France
Mr. Edmund R. Agee, Jr.
Alabama Chapter American Society of Landscape Architects
Alabama Power Company
Alabama Power Foundation, Inc.
Ed & Melinda Aldag
Mrs. Kay Aldridge
Altec, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Taylor B. Anderson
Dr. Courtney Andrews and Mr. William R. Andrews
Anna McWane Charitable Foundation
Ms. Alina Arbuthnot
Sir Scott Autrey
Kay & Lee E. Bains, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Barclift III
Cindy & Brian Barr
Ms. Lucy M. Barr
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick H. Belden III
The Benevity Community Impact Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Uday R. Bhate
Ms. Robin Bienvenu
Mrs. Patricia H. Blinn
Dr. Suresh B. Boppana
Connie & Cecil Bostany
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Bowron, Jr.
Brasfield & Gorrie
Ms. Ranea Breen
Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Briggs
Bright Future Electric, LLC
Mena & John Brock
Mr. Richard Wood and Ms. Wendi M. Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Burgess
Miss Rachael Burrow
Mrs. Jenny S. Burton
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Butcher
The Butcher Fund
Camille Butrus
Gayle & Mike Byrne
C. Eugene Ireland Foundation
Jonnie & Paul Caddell
Mr. Michael A. Calvert and Ms. Susan W. Matlock
Camellia Garden Club
Ms. Kaye McKinley Carlisle
Pat & Ben* Carroll
Mr. William Cather, Jr.
Mr. Robert A. Cather
City of Birmingham
City of Mountain Brook
City of Vestavia Hills
Louise & Butch Clayton
Mr. Robert M. Cobb
Cobb & Cobb Promotional Products, Inc.
The Comer Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Copeland
Debbie & D.C. Coston
Ms. Shirley D. Cotton
John J. Cowin, Jr.
Cowtan & Tout
The Crepe Myrtle Garden Club
Cameron & Derrill Crowe
Drs. Anne & Bruce Cusic
D. Joseph and Ida C. Burns Designated Fund
Mr. and Mrs. C. Coleman Daniel II
The Daniel Foundation of Alabama
Mrs. Vicki S. Daniels
Ms. Shana Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Bob de Buys
Mr. and Mrs. Rick Dearborn
Debby & Bill Denson
Diamond Tours, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher DiGiorgio
Marilyn & Jim Dixon
Donald M. James Family Foundation
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Dooley
Treva & Randy Doores
Doorman Designs
Dorothy McDaniel’s Flower Market
Mrs. Patricia D. Dreher
Mrs. Carolyn P. Drennen
Dunn-French Foundation
EBSCO Industries, Inc.
Drs. Madeline Eckenrode & Mike Soike
Educational Foundation of the Shades Valley Rotary Club
Elegant Earth
Lindsay & Henry Ellenbogen
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald E. Elliott
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Eskew
Dr. Glenn T. Eskew
Wendy & Jake Evesque
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher T. Fennell
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
Finch Fine Wines
Dr. and Mrs. Winfield S. Fisher III
Howard Walthall & Rosemary Fisk
City of Florence Beautification Board and Tree Commission
Flower Magazine
FlowerBuds, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Flowers
Mrs. Pam B. Floyd
The Forman Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin T. Forsyth
Forsyth Consulting, Inc.
Caroline & Simon Foweather
Mary & Jamie French
Gaia Florals
Norm Geisinger
Lady Jane & Yancey Gillespie
Mrs. Jane C. Gillespy
Mary Jane & Winston Gillum
Global Charitable Fund
Drs. Ashley & W. Brandon Gooding
Goodrich Foundation
Maura & Will Goodwyn, Jr.
Goodwyn Mills & Cawood LLC
Dr. Jayleen M. Grams
Grand Bohemian Hotel
Greater Houston Community Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick S. G. Guardabassi
Mary Austin & Andrew Hall
Ms. Patti J. Hammond
Happy Stems
Helen & Chris Harmon
Penney & Roger Hartline
Mr. Fletcher D. Harvey III
Susan & Wyatt Haskell
Tookie & Keith Hazelrig
Leah & Robby Hazzard
Dr. and Mrs. James Hill
Hill Crest Foundation, Inc.
Alleen Cater & Lyle Hohnke
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Holladay
The Home Garden Club
Lincoln Honts
Mr. and Mrs. William P. Horton
Mr. and Mrs. Gary L. Howard
The Hugh Kaul Foundation
Millie & Billy Hulsey
Huntsville Botanical Garden
Dr. Susan Jackson
Mrs. Sallie Johnson
The Estate of Virginia Goodall Johnson
Dr. Sarah Johnston
Mr. and Mrs. Carl E. Jones, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. D. Paul Jones, Jr.
Diana & Stephen Jones
Walker & Bill Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Crawford J. Jones
Jones Family Fund
Junior League of Birmingham
Ann & Charles* Katholi
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kavinoky
Leo Kayser III
Sandy Killion
Mr. and Mrs. Rick Kuester
Mr. and Mrs. Barney Lanier
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry E. Leachman
Leaf & Petal
Ms. Sallie M. Lee
Mr. Russell J. Levenson and Ms. Trudy R. Evans
Dr. and Mrs. Mark D. Little
Nancy & Nimrod Long
Lorol Roden Bowron Foundation
Susan & Tom Lowder
Luckie’s Pinestraw & Mulch
Luckie’s Pinestraw & Mulch
Dr. and Mrs. David Luttrull
Stephanie & Wade Lynton
Terri & John Lyon
Ann & Joe March
Marigold Design
Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Martin
Melinda & Bill Mathews
Mr. Michael A. Calvert and Ms. Susan W. Matlock
Ms. Anne H. Maura
Mr. and Mrs. William T. Mayfield III
Maynard Nexsen
Mr. and Mrs. Willard McCall, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Mark S. McColl
Mr. Bart McCorquodale
McCorquodale Transfer
Lucy & William McCown
Ms. Dorothy McDaniel
Amy & Lee McLemore
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond B. McLeod
Ms. Anna McWane
Ellen McWhorter
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Meehan
Ms. Eugenia A. McWilliams and Ms. Elisa A. Mejia
Meredith Corporation
Mike and Gillian Goodrich Foundation
Martha B. Mitchell
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Morad
Mrs. Elaine O. Morgan
Mr. William B. Morton, Jr.
Ms. Meredith L. Mullins
Dona & John Musgrave
Mr. and Mrs. Drayton Nabers
Kate & Claude Nielsen
Tricia & Andy Noble
Occasions with Symone Shaw
Dr. Pamela E. Parker
Sandra & Jerry Parker
Parrot Structural Services, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Patterson
Mr. Andrew Patterson
Elisabeth Coston Penry
Mary & Steve Phillips
Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Pless
Nancy & Jim Price
Sally & Gene Price
Publix Super Markets Charities, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. James T. Pursell III
Drs. Frances Lund & Troy Randall
Carolyn & Will Ratliff
Regions Financial Corporation
Mr. and Mrs. Alexander G. Reynolds
The Riser Family Fund
Susan & Dowd Ritter
Robert R. Meyer Foundation
Lindsay & Andy Robison
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Rogers
Mr. Evan Brooks Roseman
Kaye & Mark Rosse
Katherine & Stephen Rostand
Royal Cup, Inc.
Rucker and Margaret Agee Fund
Paula & Mike Rushing
Margaret & Francis Rushton
Julie & Joe Sandner
Carolyn & Bill Satterfield
Mrs. Debbie Schoeneman
Schwab Charitable Donor Advised Fund
Paige & Walter Scott
Paige & Walter Scott
Mrs. Eleanor R. Seaman
Dr. Steven Rowe and Ms. Anne Marie Seibel
Jane & Jack Shalhoop
Shannon Waltchack
Shoal Creek Properties / Thompson Realty Company Inc.
Holly & David Sibley
The Signatry
Diana & Bill* Slaughter
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Slaughter
Drs. Beverly VonDer Pool & Phillip Smith
Nancy & Murray Smith
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Smith, Jr.
Snippers Garden Club
Mr. James D. Sokol and Ms. Lydia C. Cheney
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Somers
Dr. and Mrs. Weily Soong
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. South III
Southern Living
Stacy K. Allen Photography
Mr. Arnold L. Steiner
Elizabeth & John Steiner
The Steiner Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stitt
Mr. and Mrs. Lee J. Styslinger III
Susan Mott Webb Charitable Trust
Anne & Roger Suttle
Swift, Currie, McGhee & Heirs, LLP
T. Rowe Price Program for Charitable Giving
Mr. and Mrs. John Talley
Ms. Dorothy J. Tayloe
Mr. and Mrs. John Terenzio
Susan & Hugh Thomas
Lucille R. Thompson
Mr. Larry D. Thornton, Sr.
Thornton Enterprises, Inc.
Three S. Advised Fund
Norma & Ray Thweatt
Trestle Construction LLC
Ms. Laura C. Turley
D.A. & Ingram Tynes
Jane & Tom Underwood
Connie & Marshall Urist
Adelaide & Russell Vandevelde
Vanguard Charitable
Libba & Brooks Vaughan
Virginia Stockham Ladd Family Foundation
Laura K. Vogtle, Ph.D.
Mrs. Elizabeth Y. von Herrmann
Cameron & Scott Vowell
Vulcan Materials Company
Janie & Mark Waits
Mrs. A. Brand Walton
Ms. Jane S. Webb
Mrs. Margaret F. Wendorf
Mr. and Mrs. C. Lawrence Whatley
Whistle Stop Garden Shop
Mr. and Mrs. Claude C. White, Jr.
Debby & John Whittington
Whole Kids Foundation
Wild Things, LLC
Wildflower Designs, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Bubba Willings
Sally T. Worthen
Mr. Stephen A. Zary
Ms. Kelly Zeller
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin M. Zivitz


Symone Shaw | Fran Keenan |Kathleen Varner

William R. Ireland, Jr.

Presenting Sponsor
O’Neal Industries, Inc.

Design Sponsor
de Gournay

Textile Sponsor
Cowtan & Tout

Gala Sponsor
Mr. & Mrs. James E. Ard

Garden Entryway
Zachary J. Westall

Red Diamond Lecture Series
Red Diamond, Inc.

Diamond Sponsors
First Horizon
McCorquodale Transfer

Platinum Sponsors
Birmingham Park & Recreation Board
The Caring Foundation of Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Alabama
City of Birmingham
Cameron & Derrill Crowe
1919 Investment Counsel
Thomas E. Jernigan Foundation

Gold Sponsors
Accents of France
Rachael Burrow
Christopher Architecture & Christopher Collection
Jeremy D. Clark
Cobbs Allen & PURE Insurance
The Featheringill Foundation
Life Insurance Company of Alabama (LICOA)
Gwen & Robin McCorquodale
Medical Properties Trust
Penny & Ruffner Page
Protective Life Insurance Company
Melissa & Hanson Slaughter
Still Johnson Interiors
Trestle Construction LLC
Visual Comfort & Co.

Silver Sponsors
Alabama Aquarium & Pond Services, Inc.
Alabama Power Company, Inc.
Alisha Crossley Photography
Altec Industries, Inc.
Birmingham Coca-Cola Bottling Co. UNITED
Bradley LLP
Brasfield & Gorrie
Blade & Bow Whiskey
Maggie & Will Brooke
Burr & Forman LLP
C.S. Beatty Construction, Inc.
Mary & Jay Crenshaw
DeShazo Foundation
Devote Studio
Doorman Designs
Dunn-French Foundation
Kendall & Tom Eagan
Kirk & Tate Forrester
Penny & Mike Fuller
Grand Bohemian Mountain Brook
Jones Walker LLP
Lilt Floral Design & Styling
Maynard Nexsen PC
McPherson Oil
Lisa & Jack Reed, Jr.
Robins & Morton
Sassy Slipcovers
The Scout Guide Birmingham
ServisFirst Bank
Margot & Gates Shaw
Shoal Creek Properties
Diana & Bill Slaughter
Nancy & Murray Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph C. South III
Summer Classics
Tresmac Management, LLC
Viva Health
Jan & Kyle Ware
The Welch Group
Whistle Stop Garden Shop

Bronze Sponsors
ADAC (Atlanta Decorative Arts Center)
Kay Aldridge
ARC Realty
Katherine & Garry Ard
The Atelier
Birmingham Lifestyle
Ragan & Brad Cain
Caroline Gidiere Design
Molly & John Carter
Chris Burson Florals
Christina Brockman Florals
Brooke & Daniel Coleman
Anna & Jim Cooper
Cilie & Jamie Cowin
Mr. & Mrs. Stewart Dansby
Adair & Whitney DeBardeleben
Dorothy McDaniel’s Flower Market
Gaia Florals
Donna & Ted W. Giles
Mr. & Mrs. T.M. Goodrich
Harbert Realty Services
Kathryn & Raymond Harbert
Leigh & William Haver
Tookie & Keith Hazelrig
Linda & Charlie Israel
Junior League of Birmingham
The Kelly Hotel
Joy & Price Kloess
Katie & Jim Lasker
Lilt Floral Design & Styling
Katrina & Jeff Logan
Karen & Michael Luce
Stephanie & Wade Lynton
Marion & Edgar Marx
Kaitlin & Will McWane
MK Quinlan
Nall-Whatley Foundation
Tricia & Andy Noble
Elizabeth & James Outland
Kate & John Phillips
Pledger Architect
Mrs. John Poynor
ProAssurance Corporation
Anne & Ned Rand
Ready Mix USA
Redmont Distillery
Kim & Bruce Rogers
Kaye & Mark Rosse
Sarah Stewart Consulting, LLC
Stone Hollow Farmstead
Tippett Sease Baker Architecture
Tom Beckbe
Total Dermatology
Tower Homes
D.A. & Ingram Tynes
Kathleen Varner
Brooke & Tyler Wahl
Warren Averett
Wildflowers Designs, LLC
Wild Things Flowers & Curiosities
Mrs. John N. Wrinkle

Director Sponsors
Beth & Scott Adams
AK Hardeman Art
Paige & Carl Albright
Melinda & Ed Aldag
Mr. & Mrs. James Alison
Lynn Andrews
Tracey & Richard Beilen
Birmingham Home & Garden
Jane & Harold Bissell
Nina & Ken Botsford
Brandino Brass Co.
Gail & Chip Braswell
Mena & John Brock
Elizabeth & Tom Broughton
Dr. & Mrs. Tom T. Brown
Buffy Hargett Flowers LLC
Camille Butrus
Catherine Pringle Designs
Bronwyne & John Chapman
Debbie & D.C. Coston
Helen & Reaves Crabtree
CraneWorks, Inc.
Wendy & Richard Crew
Winn & Frank Crockard
Jane Houston & Claiborne Crommelin
Martha & Hartwell Davis
Jim & Marilyn Dixon
Dogwood Hill
Kathryn & Todd Dorlon
Debbie & Patrick Drummond
Sarah & Charley Duggan
Betsy Dumas
Elegant Earth
English Village Lane
EPIC Insurance Brokers & Consultants
Father Nature Landscapes
Beth & Ron Flowers
Allyson & Bill Fox
Margie & Tom Fox
Marie & Jamie French
Mary & Braxton Goodrich
Maura & Will Goodwyn
Cleo Kathryn & Randy Gorman
Mary & Victor Hanson
Penney & Roger Hartline
Haver & Company
Leah & Robby Hazzard
Jamie & Trey Hill
Mr. & Mrs. Clark Huddle
Indian Springs School
Mrs. Thomas E. Jernigan
Walker & Bill Jones
Janie & Jemison Jones
Akiko & Josh Jones
Leo Kayser III
Sheryl & Jon Kimerling
Sally D. Lineberry
Shannon & Jeff Lisenby
Cathy & Tommy Luckie
LUXE Interiors + Design Southeast
Barrett & Rick MacKay
Kim & George Matthews
Millhouse Howell Lanscape Company
Nicole Roby Designs
Cleo O’Neal
Sandra & Jerry Parker
Sarah & John Peinhardt
Mr. & Mrs. Charles D. Perry
Pinnacle Imports
Peggy & Conrad Rafield
Kathleen & David Roth
Jim Simon & Jane Selfe
Catherine & Roger Smith
Garland Cook Smith
Joan & Stan Starnes
Chollet & Steve Still
Strickland Paper
Tammy Connor Interior Design
Staci & Ben Thompson
Transportation South
Jane & Tom Underwood
Village Dermatology
Beth & David White
Kerri & John Windle
Wolf Interiors (Atlanta)
Dana & Daniel Wolter
Emily & Billy Wood


Recognizing those who have made or pledged a planned gift as of December 31, 2023

Mr.* & Mrs. Edgar G. Aldridge
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Balliet
Ms. Camille A. Becker
Mrs. Lucille S. Beeson*
Peggy Bonfield & Orrin Ford*
Ida C. & D. Joseph Burns*
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur I. Chenoweth*
Mary Carolyn Gibbs Cleveland
Suzanne G. Clisby
Dr. & Mrs. D.C. Coston
Mrs. Martha Stone Cobb Daniel*
The Daniel Foundation of Alabama
Dr. L. Aubrey* & Elizabeth Drewry
The Dunn-French Family
Dr. John D. Elmore*
Martha B. & Robert L.* Eskew
Mrs. Trudy Evans
Mr. & Mrs. Wally Evans
Mrs. Claire H. Fairley*
Bernadine Rushing Faulkner
Mr. F. Lewter Ferrell, Jr.*
Dorothy Ireland Fletcher*
Dr.* & Mrs. Charles P. Grant
Patti Hammond
Jody & Don Hamre*
Penney & Roger Hartline
Mr. R.R. Herbst*
Mrs. Jimmie Hess*
Mr. J. Ernest Hill & Mrs. Ora Lee Hill*
Mrs. Jane Hinds
Fay B. Ireland*
Dr. Susan Jackson
Mr. George L. Jenkins
Bobbe & Hugh Kaul*
Ms. Pamela Kaul*
Mr. Jason C. Kirby & Mr. Benjamin J. Faucher
Fran Lawlor
William Brock Lewis
Dr. Bodil Lindin-Lamon*
Hope Long
Dr. Michael E. Malone
Annie Lee Buce Matthews*
Ms. Louise T. McAvoy*
Douglas A. & Linda P. McCullough
Margaret H. McGowan*
Anne & Ira Mitchell
Mrs. Mary Jean Morawetz
Mr. Philip Morris*
Thelma Vaughan Mueller*
Mr. & Mrs. Fred W. Murray, Jr.
Don & Pat Nelson
Dr. James L. Newsome*
Dr. & Mrs. A. I. Perley*
LeAnne* & Steve Porter
Mrs. Carol P. Poynor
Mrs. Dorothy L. Renneker*
Deborah & John Sellers
Sandra S. Simpson
Mr. & Mrs. William M. Spencer III*
Frederick R. Spicer, Jr.
Mr. Douglas Arant Stockham
Janet & Jarry Taylor
Dr. Wendell H. Taylor, Sr.*
Mrs. Barbara D. Thorne*
Dr. & Mrs.* Jack W. Trigg, Jr.
Mrs. Carolyn D. Tynes*
Mrs. Ann H. “Nancy” Warren*
Mrs. Robert Wells
Anonymous (3)



Mary & Samuel Blount
Dell Brooke
F. Dixon Brooke, Jr.
Derry Bunting
Thomas Carruthers
Mary Carolyn Cleveland
Isabelle & Paul Dreher
Beverly M. Perrine
Carolyn & William Satterfield
Frances Shepherd*
Virginia Shepherd
Lucy & Temple Tutwiler
Norman T. Williams
