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Getting Here

Directions & Public Transit Information


Birmingham Botanical Gardens is located about 2 miles southeast of downtown Birmingham off U.S. 280 near its intersection with U.S. 31. 

2612 Lane Park Road
Birmingham, Alabama 35223

From U.S. 280, take the Mountain Brook/Zoo/Garden exit from the north (Zoo/Garden exit from the south). At the first traffic light off the exit, turn left, then immediately follow arrows to the right onto Lane Park Road. The entrance to the Gardens will be ¼ mile on your left.

Public Transit

The Gardens is served by the Metro Area Express (MAX) bus network operated by the Birmingham Jefferson County Transit Authority. To travel to the Gardens from Central Station in downtown Birmingham, take Route 43 (Zoo) to the Lane Park Road and Apartment Complex stop. The entrance to the Gardens is located up Lane Park Road, just north of the stop. This route is currently available weekdays only.  

Learn more about the route, bus schedule, and fares and passes.