Discover the bountiful world of modern roses, brimming with blossoms in dazzling colors and heavenly scents from through the entire growing season.
Beautiful Blooms
Surrounding the classical tempietto in the heart of the Dunn Formal Rose Garden are over 100 types of modern roses. Given in memory of William Ransom Johnson Dunn, Jr., by his family, this garden boasts of popular classes of modern roses such as hybrid tea roses, floribundas, grandifloras, polyanthas, miniatures, and climbing roses. Within the formally designed beds you’ll encounter charming new roses that thrive in our Southern climate.
Colorful History
Modern roses, which have been developed since the first hybrid was created in 1867, offer a perpetual bloom and a variety of breathtaking colors and scents that will fill your garden from May to the first frost of winter. Come take a seat under the rose arbor covered by Lady Banks roses or walk through the grassy paths transecting the flower beds and discover the abundance of our modern roses.