Irises declare the glory of spring as they burst into bloom in a dazzling rainbow of colors in the Ireland Iris Garden. Woven into the tapestry of a dynamic perennial border, this garden overflows with beauty every season of the year.
Terraced Planting Beds
As you step through the gazebos that flank either side of the Ireland Iris Garden, a lush lawn opens up with a stone pool anchoring it in the center. Ascending the hillside are curved stone retaining walls that create terraced planting beds. In spring these terraces spill forth with irises of all kinds. Continuing the show throughout the rest of the growing season are white candytuft, pink peonies, purple creeping phlox, and red sedum.
Celebrating Irises
Given by Bill and Faye Ireland, this collection of irises celebrates the diversity of the genus. The upper terrace is filled with dozens of tall bearded iris like ‘Stairway to Heaven’ and ‘Champagne Elegance.’ Other beds display beardless varieties like the Siberian iris ‘Caesar’s Brother,’ Dutch iris ‘Golden Beauty,’ and Japanese iris ‘Summer Moon.’ Come explore the terraces along the grassy paths or take a seat on a bench and soak in the splendor.