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Ireland Old-Fashioned Rose Garden

Step through the gate and enter a world of heritage roses, those tried-and-true varieties that burst into bloom at the beginning of summer.

Antique Roses

It’s no wonder why these old roses have been in cultivation for hundreds of years! Antique roses are renowned for their disease resistance, their lush, fragrant blooms, and wide variety of colors. Explore all the different classes of old-fashioned roses, from China roses like ‘Le Vésuve’ to damasks like ‘Marquise Boccella,’ noisettes like ‘Natchitoches,’ and bourbons like the pink- and white-striped ‘Variegata di Bologna.’ Don’t forget to look up and appreciate the climbing tea roses like ‘Gloire de Dijon,’ whose apricot blooms are a favorite in April and May.

Resplendent in Every Season

While the roses reach their peak around Mother’s Day, the floral display continues throughout the entire growing season! Black-eyed Susans, wild indigo, shasta daisies, and cannas keep the colorful flowers coming even on the hottest days of summer. Come stroll the grassy paths or take a seat under one of the arbors and soak in the splendor of the Ireland Old-Fashioned Rose Garden.